No one decides to start learning a foreign language one day, follows a magic formula for language learning, stays super…
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How to say good luck in French and phrases to wish someone well (AUDIO)
Let’s talk about how to say good luck in French and other ways to wish someone well. These are handy French language phrases you’ll hear often in your day-to-day life, so let’s get right into this language learning tutorial.
Does Bradley Cooper speak French? Amazed by what I learned from it!
Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga’s new movie A Star is Born came out earlier this month and it’s gotten a ton of a press. To promote the film, Bradley has been doing French media interviews in French. He picked up the language back in college and charms the pants off adoring fans with his linguistic prowess. Beyond his charm, we can learn a lot from Bradley Cooper speaking French, so let’s get right into it.
My simple tips to help you feel less nervous about speaking French
So no matter where you are on the French language learning spectrum, use my tips to help you come across as self-assured in any situation even if you feel nervous and overwhelmed on the inside about speaking French.
My latest over on YouTube
How’s it going? I’m popping in today to say a quick hello and to share my latest French culture videos on YouTube with you. My YouTube channel is all about everyday French life and beyond and I cover French language tutorials, travel, and what it’s like as a foreigner in France (not Paris!).
What is the difference between tu and vous in French?
Making mistakes in a foreign language can be embarrassing but we all have our fair share of flubs. For example,…
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Having an accent is not a defect
But then there’s the whole other side of foreign accents. When people say critical things to someone who speaks with a foreign accent. Sometimes they do this without realizing it, but most of the time, people are fully aware that what they’re saying is rude. Even downright mean and derogatory things, as if having an accent is a defect. There’s no shame in having an accent.
5 Basic French words and phrases you need to say often (AUDIO)
Social norms in France can catch foreigners by surprise if they don’t know what little words to use where. Here are the top 5 polite French words and phrases you need to learn to fit in when you’re in France. Tom has recorded audio for us so you can hear the words as well.
Ask Tom Tuesdays: Oh la la meaning in French
Hello! Tom’s here today with his latest installment of his series on my blog called Ask Tom Tuesdays. We’re taking…
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When the French sound formal unintentionally
You’ll notice that the French use seemingly formal words to express casual phrases. Let me give you a few examples of how the French sound formal unintentionally.
3 French pronunciation audio tips to sound more natural
If you’re learning French, congrats! Do you want to sound a little more natural? I’m sharing 3 of my French pronunciation tips with you today.
How long does it take to learn French?
How long does it take to learn French? This question is problematic and I’m talking about why. Language learning isn’t linear. And it doesn’t have an end date. Let’s dive into this popular language learning question about how long it takes to learn a foreign language.
Quick French lesson: Les aoûtiens
Every now and then, the French language tickles me when I come across a fun-to-pronounce word or a word that’s just delightful to my ear. The other day, Tom and I were watching a news problem when les aoûtiens flashed across the screen. Not knowing what the word meant but having an idea from the context, my ears perked up.
5 Things that still give me trouble in French
Language learning is a process. This post is the one where I tell all about the 5 things that still give me major trouble in French even after living in France for 5 years. The language and culture is not something you automatically learn overnight. It takes time, so here are some hard things about the French language.
7 Little things that still confuse me about life in France
When I moved to France, there are all kinds of everyday things that confuse me. I felt like my adult self was tossed back to infancy in some ways. From French culture, to the language to general know-how, moving to France as a foreigner can be pretty confusing.
Quick French lesson: How to say “only”
French language learners usually learn to say only in French with the word seulement. But that’s not the only way. Let me teach you the other way in today’s Quick French Lesson.
Tips for when the foreign in-laws meet each other
For those of us in relationships with someone from another country, meeting the family can be quite an experience. That goes double when your partner’s native language differs from your own. Here are some tips for when the foreign in-laws meet. Take a deep breath.
Learning French: Lingoda review
Learning a language is hard. What do you do when you aren’t sure about a clear path forward? Private lessons can be expensive and books can be ineffective and boring so here’s my Lingoda review. How can a language learner boost their foreign language skills? Here’s why you should consider learning French with Lingoda and get started today.
How to use context when speaking French
When you’re in France and need to converse with French people, all your classroom learning gets very real. Here’s how to use context when speaking French.
Most popular posts of 2016 (and a few faves)
Here are some of the most popular posts on Oui In France in 2016. Read on for French culture, language and more about living abroad in France.