Some of the most interesting and fun(ny) posts on my blog have come from just living life — usually conversations…
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Quick French Lesson: Where is the Loire Valley and why can it be confusing?
Today, I have a geography lesson for you that’s been the source of many misunderstandings over the years. Where is the Loire Valley in France?
3 French pronunciation audio tips to sound more natural
If you’re learning French, congrats! Do you want to sound a little more natural? I’m sharing 3 of my French pronunciation tips with you today.
Quick French lesson: Les aoûtiens
Every now and then, the French language tickles me when I come across a fun-to-pronounce word or a word that’s just delightful to my ear. The other day, Tom and I were watching a news problem when les aoûtiens flashed across the screen. Not knowing what the word meant but having an idea from the context, my ears perked up.
Quick French lesson: How to say “only”
French language learners usually learn to say only in French with the word seulement. But that’s not the only way. Let me teach you the other way in today’s Quick French Lesson.
Quick French lesson: Get your wallet ready if you “invite” someone out to eat
If you invite someone out to eat in France, this little word “inviter” has some built-in rules that may catch you by surprise. On the surface, it means to invite. But there’s some French cultural knowledge you need to know if you’re going to invite anyone out in French. It has to do with who is footing the bill so read on!
Quick French lesson: Words you can shorten to sound cool
Next time you’re having a conversation with someone in French and one of these words below comes up, use the shortened form. Here are French words you can shorten.
What does province mean? No, it’s not the same as Provence!
French words can sometimes sound the same but be sure to know the difference with Provence vs. province. They’re very different!
5 Tips to make your French more natural
As a foreigner learning French, I’ve picked a few of these little things along the way and am sharing these language learning tips to make your French more natural. With my tips, you’ll be able to impress even a native speaker with your fluid, natural speech.