Living in France since 2012 has taught me more than I could have ever imagined. I’ve learned tons about myself,…
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How to pronounce French words in English… my thoughts
When speaking a foreign language, how do you approach the pronunciation of words in your native language? Or the opposite…
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19 Things that are true when you have a foreign accent
When you have an accent in your second language, which most of us do if we started learning it as an adult, people sometimes react to you differently. Sometimes it’s good and sometimes it’s not. Here’s my list of 19 things that are true when you have a foreign accent.
What is the difference between tu and vous in French?
Making mistakes in a foreign language can be embarrassing but we all have our fair share of flubs. For example,…
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When the French sound formal unintentionally
You’ll notice that the French use seemingly formal words to express casual phrases. Let me give you a few examples of how the French sound formal unintentionally.
Learning French: Lingoda review
Learning a language is hard. What do you do when you aren’t sure about a clear path forward? Private lessons can be expensive and books can be ineffective and boring so here’s my Lingoda review. How can a language learner boost their foreign language skills? Here’s why you should consider learning French with Lingoda and get started today.
How to use context when speaking French
When you’re in France and need to converse with French people, all your classroom learning gets very real. Here’s how to use context when speaking French.
What changes when you’re the one with the foreign accent
No matter how compassionate or empathetic you are, sometimes the only way to truly understand something is to experience it for yourself. I never really considered what life might be like for someone with a foreign accent… until I experienced it as an American living in France.
Why getting complimented on your French means you’re not fluent
A real marker of progress is when native French speakers stop complimenting you on your French. That’s when you know you’ve majorly improved. Here’s why compliments mean you aren’t fluent.
“Pardon My French” by Stephen Hare is the French book you’ve been waiting for
Are you tired of ineffective French grammar and language learning books? I’m reviewing Pardon My French by Stephen Hare and telling you why it’s a book you’ll want to read no matter where you are on your French learning journey.
5 Tips to make your French more natural
As a foreigner learning French, I’ve picked a few of these little things along the way and am sharing these language learning tips to make your French more natural. With my tips, you’ll be able to impress even a native speaker with your fluid, natural speech.
Need a French/English language speaking partner? Let’s help each other out
When learning a new language, it can be difficult to find language partners with whom to practice — especially if you don’t live in a country where that language is spoken. So if you need a language speaking partner in English/French, read on.
Why comprehension needs to be your focus when learning a foreign language
I had a really, really hard time understanding spoken, spontaneous French outside the classroom. For anyone learning French, I’m here to tell you to forget all the grammar and writing exercises and listen up to what I have to say below. Comprehension needs to be your focus if you plan on spending any time in a French-speaking country.
When living in France starts messing with your English
If you’re anything like me, after living in a country where English isn’t the native language, you’ll start to a notice a phenomenon that I like to call “WTF is going on!?” You’ll notice yourself searching for words that were once at the tip of your tongue, second-guessing your spelling and experiencing somewhat frequent brain farts.
Myth of the month: Do French people speak English? NO!
It’s time for September’s myth of the month! Today we’re looking at the language abilities of the French — specifically…
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How to say the French R sound (VIDEO)
For those of us learning French, the “R” sound is the stuff nightmares are made of. It’s a sound that’s…
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Most difficult French words for Americans to say (VIDEO)
As an adult learning a new language, you’ll make all kinds of pronunciation mistakes and some are really funny. My French friend is joining me for this fun video on the most difficult French words for Americans to say. Have a watch and see what the hardest French words are to say for foreigners.
5 Embarrassing French mistakes to watch out for
Avoid these 5 embarrassing French mistakes next time you open your mouth when speaking French. Language learning is no joke and French mistakes are normal, but it’s best to be as prepared as possible and avoid these biggies. No one likes to feel embarrassed, so read on and learn from my language learning mistakes.
French pronunciation: Word pairs you don’t want to mix up (with audio)
One of the most entertaining parts of my everyday life in France is when I mess up words. I think…
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Will you be fluent in French after living in France for a year?
There’s a misconception that people have about becoming fluent. It doesn’t magically happen just by living in a country where the language is spoken. Will you be fluent in French after living in France? That’s going to depend on a bunch of things throughout your language learning journey. Let’s take a closer look.