Bonjour, tout le monde! Every couple of years, I put out a call for guest posts from Oui In France…
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Moving to another country and having doubts? You’re normal!
Moving abroad to France was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Although moving to another country is rewarding…
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Adventures in French plumbing
Over the years, I’ve read blog posts from people living in Parisian apartments recounting their trials and tribulations of French…
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Living in France pros and cons that matter most after a decade
I’m a big fan of making pros and cons lists. When I’m grappling with a decision, I’ve been known to…
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Living abroad stories: Sharing the pandemic’s silver lining
Doom and gloom has been the name of the game since March, so in an attempt to flip the script,…
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Foreigners in France reveal the easiest and hardest parts of life abroad
I wanted to hear from other foreigners in France about what they’ve found to be the easiest and hardest parts…
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Struggling with the disadvantages of living abroad? Remember this
If you’ve lived abroad long enough, you’ve surely come up against periods of frustration and struggle when you don’t feel…
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How does Transferwise work? Why you NEED to be using it!
No one likes losing money, but when you live abroad and need to transfer your money between currencies, you face…
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11 Best health apps for expat women
As a woman living abroad, it is important to stay physically and mentally healthy so you can be at your…
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Why I hate telling people I live in France
When I was back home in the USA last month, my feelings about one aspect of the living abroad experience…
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Expat mistakes that hold us back as foreigners abroad
As a kid, I thought the adults in my life had it all figured out. I thought everyone was kind…
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7 Assumptions people have made about me and others who live abroad
Everyone makes assumptions and most of the time they’re harmless even if they are majorly off base. But you know what they say when you assume… Here are some things people have assumed about me over the years after moving abroad and I’m setting the record straight.
Is living abroad freeing?
A couple of months ago on Twitter, among all of the memes, political arguments and other randomness, I came across…
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How to move to France
Hi guys, the most popular question I get from readers is about how to move to France. People write me looking for advice, reassurance and encouragement, all of which I’m happy to give.
The living abroad in France experience is not one size fits all
There’s this theme I’ve seen among my own readers and elsewhere in this niche. It’s that life abroad is a…
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Challenges of of living abroad in France
It’s easy to find a million reasons why you should move abroad to France. But once you’re here, is life perfect? Of course not! Let’s talk about the hardest parts of living abroad in France.
When living abroad forces you to reinvent yourself
What has shaped your identity and made you into the person you are? Maybe things like where you grew up, your career path, your role in your community, and the people in your inner circle. Identity is complicated. Living abroad complicates it further, but it’s not all bad.
Why does France allow us to slow down and appreciate life more?
One of my readers left a comment that got me thinking. Julie wrote, “What is it about France that allows us to slow down and really appreciate the smaller things in life? I find I get excited about things that I wouldn’t even give a second thought to at home and I find myself doing things I wouldn’t think possible.” Why does France allow us to slow down and appreciate the small things? Or does it? Will a move abroad make you enjoy life more? Should it?
Respecting the culture and doing the right thing
Most of the time, respecting the culture and doing the right thing are one and the same. Other times, it’s not so clear. As a foreigner, it’s hard to always know if you’re doing the right thing and if the way you’ve lived you life up until now counts in the same way it did back home.
What’s surprised me the most about my life in France?
Living abroad is full of surprises big and small. Let’s talk about some of these living in France surprises including culture, food, and stereotypes.