If you live abroad, you’ve undoubtedly missed foods from home. The brands and food products we grew up with aren’t…
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French potato chips are where in grocery stores in France?
Things seemingly don’t make any sense to my confused American brain. Including the location of French potato chips in the grocery store. But to the French? All of this makes perfect sense in French culture. If you’re looking for potato chips in France grocery stores, they’re not with the pretzels. Let me tell you why.
A Friday trip to the farmers’ market
Tom’s not working today so we took advantage of a local farmers’ market not far from where we live. Places like this make me happy.
Things to know about the magical French dessert aisle
Ever browse the French dessert aisle? It’s my favorite section of the grocery store and here’s why!
French grocery store products you should try
Hi guys, I have one final guest post for you that came in while I was on vacation. It comes…
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