Hi there! It’s the first Monday of 2015 and I hope it’s treating you well so far! Did you have a good New Year’s Eve?
Monday Mishmash is a new roundup-style post I’ll be doing semi-regularly to update you on happenings around here, share some cool links and let you know about anything else going on.
Monday Mishmash 1/5/15
- What’s going on here? Still digesting from all the holiday food. But we have some fun in store for a long weekend kicking off Thursday when we head to la Bretagne, or Brittany in English, one of my favorite regions of France. It’s a short drive from where we live and we celebrated Christmas there in 2013. It’s always a fun time and Tom’s birthday gift to me was a long weekend at a quaint little cottage. SO looking forward to that so stay tuned for some posts and pics from there.
- Need some renewed optimism? Love the ideas here from Zen Habits titled 5 Ideas to create an amazing 2015. Couldn’t agree more with this: “And while I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions that you’re just going to toss aside when things get busy, I am a fan of creating new habits.”
- The French grocery store is always a good time and and endless source of free entertainment. Interesting products always seem to find me. Look at these! And let’s not forget the pic below of the very French baby formula flavors. I’m no parenting expert and don’t have kids, but not sure we have caramel or brioche flavors of baby cereal in the U.S.?
- Tom and I saw The Interview the other night and if you’re up for some silly fun that’s not to be taken too seriously, it’s just the movie for you. I didn’t think it would be that good at all going into it but James Franco’s acting is spot on and I laughed out loud 100 times. We also went out to see Michael C. Hall’s new movie Cold In July last night. Loved him ever since Six Feet Under and the movie was solid, not my new favorite movie or anything, but kept my interest and was well done. Tom has a hard time seeing him as anyone other than Dexter.
- Feeling like you’re always busy? Here’s how to become unbusy.
Head over to Best of Oui In France 2014 for some reads you may have missed!
Do anything fun this weekend? Bonne journée!
Kate says
Good to know The Interview was worth a watch! I’ll check out the other movie too- I love going to the theater.
Diane says
Yah, I’ve seen a lot of hate for The Interview online but I really did enjoy it. Totally worth it if you’re in the mood for some ridiculousness.
Todd V says
Went into Interview expecting “Pineapple Express” level of funny. I think it got to that level. Never find Seth Rogen flicks super-hilarious but silly good fun overall (a bit gross) and with a few moments that actually are hilarious. Agree on Franco’s good performance – oddly saw it criticized elsewhere as “terrible”.
Todd. Have fun in Brittany.
Diane says
I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve never seen Pineapple Express. I will have to check it out. And yes, the scene from The Interview in the control room (not giving away spoilers) got a bit out of control. Sometimes I take these critics’ reviews with a grain of salt. And thank you, hopefully it won’t rain the whole weekend!