How many blogs do you read on a regular basis? 5? 100 or more? Do a handful of bloggers rise to the top of your favorites list? Do you have blogs you always read first?
As we go through life, we may gravitate more toward one type of blog. Maybe fitness blogs if we’re focused on getting in shape, or a pet care blog when we get a new puppy, or family blogs if we’re new parents. Our interests and priorities shift over time and so do our blogs.
I have a bunch of blogs in my Bloglovin’ feed and my favorite blogs keep me coming back for a few reasons. I’m talking about them here.
Why I read your blog and keep coming back
If you told me 6 years ago before I started Oui In France that blogs and blogging would become such a huge focus in my life, I’d probably tell you that you were crazy. But it’s the truth. I absolutely love running this site and everything that goes with it. Blogging his given me purpose and has been a grounding force for me in my life abroad. Funny how that happens…
Also, about my list, let me say that I might still really enjoy your blog even if you don’t have all of the things in my list below. It’s just that the blogs that I LOVE tend to do everything I mention in this post.
You’re real and I can relate
Yes, we’re all real people but sometimes bloggers’ lives seem unrealistic and unattainable. We’re never shown the cracks in the facade. Reading about a perfectly showcased “dream life” can be inspirational but it can also be depressing as hell when you let yourself get lost in the comparison game. (C’est Christine wrote about that here). I tend to gravitate toward blogs that I can relate to in some shape or form where I can get a sense of who you are from your writing.
I’m not saying that you have to write a personal diary or share personal struggles or anything close, but if you’re real about who you are and what you do, you get my vote of support. Maybe you don’t shy away from showing the behind the scenes view of your business and life, and while more personal posts might not be super common, they’re there and they’re well done. I can see myself in your writing in some way and this is probably the biggest reason why I read your blog. If you can’t be real, nothing else matters.
You offer a unique perspective
If your blog’s focus is intriguing, I’m a fan. It could be something I’m only remotely interested in, but you present it in a way that I haven’t seen before. Maybe you live a completely different life than I do, but your writing and story are interesting. Maybe what I like is that you shine through your storytelling or your photos or the way you interact with your readers. Even if you cover topics that are saturated in the blogosphere, your perspective cuts through all the rest and you teach me things while being entertaining, encouraging, and/or inspiring.
You take your site seriously
You post regularly, your site is easy to navigate, and looks professional… meaning you have an about page with a photo, your real name, and a way to contact you! We all blog for different reasons and have different goals, but if you take your site seriously, so will I. Your passion will show through in how you present your blog and that keeps me coming back. I still like blogs where the writer comes and goes, but the sites I really look up to treat their blog like a business (even if it’s not one). I feel like we’re on the same wavelength.
You’re reallllly good at what you do
Some people are unbelievably talented and if that comes through loud and clear, I’m a fan. Maybe you’re an online marketing guru, an amazing teacher or artist, or you really have a knack for YouTube. Whatever it is, you nail it time and time again and I find myself learning something every time I read one of your posts. That’s incredibly impressive and I’ll keep coming back.
A few people I really admire: Melyssa Griffin’s empire, The Blonde Abroad’s video editing skills and Geraldine’s YouTube presence
I like you
Pretty much all of my favorite bloggers are people I feel like I could be friends with in real life. They aren’t afraid to be who they are. They encourage others and you can tell they’re caring people from the words on the page. I like positive people who generally see the good in the world but aren’t afraid to speak up when things need to be said (see point #1). Maybe I admire your style. Get your humor. Or am thankful that you wrote back to my email and came across just like you do on your site. You seem fun and I like you.
Anything to add? Why do you read your favorite blogs? Feel free to share some favorites in the comments!
What I love about your blog is your infectious enthusiasm. You always provide a smile and a lift.
Thank you! That means a lot 😉
I like your blog because you bring out the positive aspects of living abroad. You also write the truth ! That always gets my vote ! I always enjoy your writing, it’s heartfelt ! It is always a nice me time that I look forward to every week ! Cheers ! Keep going !
Thanks very much, Cynthia! Happy to have you here!
This is a great overview and definitely sums up why I keep coming back to a handful of favorite blogs (yours included!) The real name one gets me a lot… if you can’t at least use your first name to show you’re a real person, how can I believe anything you say? Thanks for being a great dose of reality because living abroad is real life too! 🙂
Thanks very much for the kind words! Yes, I think using your name/photo shows a bit of vulnerability and seriousness. Like, “Hey, I’m showing you who I am because it’s important to me.” I wouldn’t take advice from some nameless creature on the street, so to me, being a real person is important. 😉
All true. I use Feedly to follow many blogs, which I organise by topic. One thing I look for is the depth of the content. Some bloggers are very good at they do, but the information they present is basic or superficial. That doesn’t keep my attention for very long.
Yup, agreed! Sometimes content can be light and breeze but other times, especially if it’s a topic I’ve read about before, the post had better show it to me in a new way and go beyond the basics. For sure!
These are the reasons I read your blog and always come back, blogging is such a big part of my life now can’t imagine not blogging
Diane, I like what you say about being able to see personality shine through a blog (like yours). I actually don’t follow a ton because quite a majority end up sounding generic after awhile.
Bonjour! I just discovered your blog because someone shared a post on FB…I will definitely be back! Since I hope to one day move to France myself there is a lot if good stuff here for me to read! Merci!
Hi Kelli, happy to have you here! Welcome! Have a look around and if you have any questions on anything, feel free to leave another comment or email me. Always happy to chat 🙂
Hi Diane! Thanks for all your lovely comments on my posts – I had to come and stalk your blog in return and I’m glad that I did.
I definitely agree with all your points here. The blogs that I tend to read on a regular basis are humorous and above all, honest. There’s been a few blogs that I followed over the years that I’ve given up on, because they became all about SEO – “10 things to do in x place” and “25 breathtaking photos of this thing” – yawn. I want the good stuff damn it – grittiness, emotion and as you say, the real person behind the blog.
Yeah, I think there’s a balance between writing for Google/Pinterest and still being a unique person with a voice. Sometimes people can do both in one post and other times they mix up their posts so sometimes the voice doesn’t come through. The worst is when it’s ALL for SEO. I might follow a blog with pretty pictures and pin them on Pinterest or use it for vacation inspiration, but the blogs I really LOVE offer a peek into the person who is doing the writing. Like your site 😉
I was actually browsing through my Feedly when your post caught my eye 😉 It’s a different topic from what you usually write about but still just as interesting because it’s about what you feel and believe in. And I happen to agree with you on this!
I like bloggers who can be optimistic about life, deep and raw when they feel like it and who have a sense of humor. I find it difficult at times to be really open or funny myself, but some bloggers like you inspire me to be more like that!
Hi Abigail, yes, you’re probably most used to seeing posts on France/French culture/language (if you look at my FB page), but over the past 5 years, I’ve written all kinds of posts that pertain to my interests and other musings here the blog. 😉 Thank you for taking the time to check it out and your kind words!
Hi, agree with all that you said! Very nice post and I love your blog. I am also an American married to a Frenchman.
It’s so interesting to me how are daily interactions can bring up so many questions. Love your blog because of your sincerity and positive, thoughtful attitude.