Not all countries have the same food products and when you move abroad, discovering all the new foods is part of the fun. But when you get used to something that’s seemingly normal at home and then can’t find it in your new home, it makes you appreciate that item even more when you are able to find it. Except I haven’t been able to find it anywhere. What am I talking about here? Egg whites in France. In the U.S., it’s very common to find a carton of egg whites next to the eggs… but in France? Not so. If you want egg whites, you need to crack the egg and separate the egg whites from the yolk because buying egg whites in a carton isn’t mainstream.
Why doesn’t France have liquid egg whites in a carton? GO!
Where to buy egg whites in France
Let me start out by saying egg yolks aren’t the devil. They contain your daily dose of vitamins A, D, E and K as well as plenty of other vitamins and minerals. I eat plenty of whole eggs, but sometimes you just want the added protein of the whites without the yolk. I dump two in my morning oatmeal for the protein boost and enjoy lighter omelets from time to time. Also, some recipes call for only the whites and if you don’t want to save the yolks for later, they often go in the trash.
In the US, lower calorie liquid egg products like Egg Beaters are commonplace next to the eggs and egg whites in the supermarket. But not in France. (and on that note, where’s the refrigerated coffee creamer??)
There are two simple solutions here. I can crack a regular egg and separate the whites from the yolks — although it seems wasteful to trash the yolks if you don’t need them. Or the other option is to just eat the whole egg. I do a bit of both. But once I’ve already eaten a fair number of eggs for the week (or am making a recipe that just calls for egg whites), sometimes a carton of liquid egg whites in the fridge would really come in handy. No matter where I look, specialty stores included, it doesn’t seem that liquid egg whites are available in France.
In the past couple of years, I’ve come across wholesalers who sell large cartons of just egg whites to bakeries and restaurants, but for home use, we don’t need several liters at a time. My go-to place for egg whites when I need them are some fitness retailers who sell protein bars and other fit-minded products. Body and Fit sells smaller bottles of egg whites.
8 Brands that need to come to France now >>
Convenient liquid egg whites in a carton would absolutely appeal to the French, so I don’t think it’s a cultural issue like say peanut butter-based desserts would be (the French are more into Nutella and speculoos spreads and aren’t super familiar with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches). That said, most French people would just eat the whole egg unless they’re on a special diet or are looking for extra protein without the cholesterol. Seeing egg white omelets on menus here isn’t common at all so it’s no wonder egg whites aren’t available in French supermarkets. But I do think lighter quiches made with fewer yolks would be a hit.
For now, I guess the French just discard the yolks or save them for something else if they are looking to only use the egg whites. And that seems to be working for them. For me, some liquid egg whites would be a welcome addition to the refrigerated food aisle at the supermarket! Until then, I’ll keep separating my eggs. 😉
Are you able to buy egg whites where you live?
P.S. If you’re wondering how to say egg whites in French, it’s blancs d’oeufs.
Cal-expat says
I love reading your posts, specially when they mention stuff that I see daily but never use 😉 (yes, egg whites, creamers and peanut butter, I’m looking at you!)
Although I miss ham that’s not full of water and sugar (even Herta or Fleury Michon seem appealing right now), or the 15% liquid cream.
I only use whites by themselves when I bake something that requires yolks only. And the usual use would be meringues! Omelettes with no yolks seem rather disgusting. I guess it’s one of those cultural things…
Cal-expat says
just for you:
Diane says
Oh I’m in love. I’m salivating. Love the variety!
Diane says
Hahhaha, glad to hear it. Definitely cultural and I have to say sometimes I want the things I’m used to!! Egg whites are definitely popular among fitness/health-minded people and are super useful in a variety of recipes, not just meringues. You might have to buy a carton of whites and see 😉
Cal-expat says
I have a huge list of things to buy when I go in France this summer, including crème de marrons, confiture de rhubarbe, chocapic (cereals for kids), chocolate. I will probably have at least one jambon-beurre with a fresh and crusty baguette!
Diane says
So funny, I have never had any of those things. The jambon beurre sandwich, yes, but I’d rather have mine with mustard! I love hearing all about these cultural differences. I hear plenty (and see them firsthand) with Tom but always cool to get other perspectives from French people living in the US.
Steve Wilkison says
It’s been almost 5 years since this post. Any progress? Any luck finding egg whites these days?
Diane says
Hi there, while egg whites still aren’t available at mainstream supermarkets, you can get them online at some fitness retailers like these:
Ashley says
No liquid egg whites to be found here in Spain either! Though, I don’t think it would be something the Spanish would eat.
Diane says
Interesting, I wonder if they’re popular in other European countries?
Ana says
You can find in Portugal
Hb says
so many French recipes call for only yolks, it is what to do with all those whites that. Is the problem!
Diane says
You deliver them to my house, that’s what you do. 😉 Totally right though — like hollandaise sauce and a bunch of other things.
Diane says
I have never heard of egg whites in a carton and I have lived in Africa most of my life and in the last 20 years in the UK and France. I cannot imagine what the problem is, there are so many recipes that require yolks only, and those that require egg whites. Just make two things. I generally also have the problem what to do with the egg whites and we eat a lot of meringues, or I make an omelette using a couple of real eggs then add the extra whites. Trouble is they look a bit colourless. We love steak tatare so there are always a couple of egg whites to use up after eating that. As for peanut butter we both hate it so no problem if that is not on the shelf, I would never look for it anyway!
The only thing we cannot get here is our herbal tea lemon and ginger which we get from the UK. The only brand of it that you can buy here is Lipton and they need to take a few lessons from Twinings!
Everything else we have just found a great substitute for.
Have a good Week, t’other Diane
Diane says
Well, liquid egg whites may be a USA thing. But it’s no big deal to separate the eggs. Thank you for your suggestions. HOW DO YOU HATE PEANUT BUTTER????
Have a great week too! 😉
Diane says
We both eat anything that is edible except peanut butter which is quite revolting and sticks to the roof of your mouth. I cannot think of another think thing I dislike!!! I have to say though that if I was in Asia I would not be happy with dog or cat!!! I have eaten some odd things in South Africa none of which I disliked though perhaps I would not eat by choice. 🙂
Stella says
I don’t think that, we, French, would use egg whites in a carton. If we need only egg whites, we crack a whole egg and use the yellow for something else (creme brule fo example)
Yolks and whites in a box do exist for professionals to bake cakes and tarts mainly so you can find some in professional supermarkets i guess, if you know someone that has card for that…
Diane says
Oooh, now I just have to find someone who has a restaurant to buy me cartons of egg whites. Excellent suggestion. Until then, I’ll be cracking my eggs. Have a great weekend!
Vincent says
Bonjour très chers ! I Washington looking for egg whites recipes when I found your little conversation ! This is interesting how people can misjudge a country when they just don’t take the time to search 🙂 so La Grande épicerie de Paris have an “American groceries” part where they sell this kind of products 😉
La bise, et à bientôt !
Diane says
Thanks Vincent, looks like a great store and I came across it when I wrote that post (didn’t mention it by name but referred to the store when I said Two Chicks’ products were available at one store in Paris). I’m not sure I misjudged anything, though. I don’t live in Paris and by me it’s an accurate statement that egg whites in cartons aren’t commonplace. They’re not available anywhere out where I live — and trust me I’ve searched!
Tchaf says
Would this kinfd of offer match your needs?
Diane says
Yes, now if only they were widely available at grocery stores in my area!
Jackie Dlv says
I found your post while searching for information on where to buy egg whites in France. I consume 500g of egg whites every day as part of my 16-week preparation for bikini competitions. Despite searching all over Paris, I have been unable to find egg whites for sale. It will be expensive for me to purchase whole eggs and dispose of the yolks.
Diane says
Hi Jackie, check out Body&Fit. They have a few options:
Other online health food or fitness stores might also carry egg whites.
Good luck with your competition!