Ever visit a place and fall in love with it right off the bat? Maybe you can’t put your finger on why you like it so much or maybe it’s the food, landscape or the people that make a place special or the memories you have there, but whatever it is, you always find yourself wanting to go back. For me, that place is the Brittany region of France and luckily for us, it’s just a couple of hours away. For the Christmas week, we’re up near Lannion, France, just relaxing (like Dagny there in the pic above) and spending time with family. I hope everyone reading this had a wonderful Christmas.
Read on for a few pics!
Brittany France
La Bretagne always has me coming back for more (we were out near Quimper last Christmas) and this year we spent a nice Christmas with my parents and my in-laws. Even though my parents don’t speak more than a few words in French (and vice versa for Tom’s parents in English), they get on splendidly and just make it work, laughing and enjoying good company. Lots of talking with their hands! When we weren’t cooking, we were out on the beach letting Dagny enjoy herself, and believe it or not, we’ve had a few days (well afternoons at least) of sunshine!
Also, if you missed my entry for the Expat Blog Awards 2013, you can read my entry titled 10 Reasons why expat life in France is like a box of chocolates HERE.
Curious about the foods from the Brittany region? I wrote about that here >>
Here’s a quick glance at some Brittany, France, pics from the week so far:
Someone thinks that sand smells really good:
Tom’s dad found this monster of a mussel on the beach:
Gorgeous sunset on a nearby beach near Plestin-les-Grèves:
Prepping the table for fondue night on my mom’s birthday, 12/23:
A rainbow after the storm:
A shell-covered beach:
Prepping our oysters for Christmas dinner:
Low tide:
Bonjour! Je ne suis pas assez sûr de mes compétences en anglais pour laisser un commentaire qui ne soit pas envahi par les fautes de grammaire… aussi j’en resterai plus surement au francais ( je crois avoir compris que vous vous débrouillez bien maintenant ) pour avouer ma petite fierté devant l’interêt que vous portez à ma région. Il y a beaucoup de choses à voir par ici, j’espère que vous aurez l’occasion de visiter les villes comme Rennes, ou le chateau des ducs à Nantes, ou bien encore d’aller voir un fest noz et peut être si l’occasion se présente de faire un tour au festival interceltique de Lorient… Il y a en a encore beaucoup, mais je termine pour vous dire mon interêt certain pour votre blog très diversifié et agréable à parcourir sur tout que c’est tellement instructif d’avoir un regard extérieur sur sa culture. Bonne continuation!
I want to go to France so so bad. 🙁
Well, you should plan a trip! 😉