If you’re anything like me, after living in a country where English isn’t the native language, you’ll start to a notice a phenomenon that I like to call “WTF is going on!?” You’ll notice yourself searching for words that were once at the tip of your tongue, second-guessing your spelling and experiencing somewhat frequent brain farts.
Mistakes I made when I moved to France
If we’re being honest, my transition to living in France wasn’t a perfect one. Here are the mistakes I made when I moved to France.
5 Embarrassing French mistakes to watch out for
Avoid these 5 embarrassing French mistakes next time you open your mouth when speaking French. Language learning is no joke and French mistakes are normal, but it’s best to be as prepared as possible and avoid these biggies. No one likes to feel embarrassed, so read on and learn from my language learning mistakes.
What I’m really thinking when you correct my French
Learning a new language as an adult is no easy feat. Becoming conversational in a foreign language is more or…
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10 Biggest French faux pas you can commit. And why #7 is the worst.
This is by no means an inclusive list of French faux pas and it’s not the end of the world if you commit a faux pas below, but they are things to keep in mind when adapting to French culture.
Top French language mistakes so far
Language learning is an ongoing process, and if you’ve ever tried to muster up a few phrases in a foreign…
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