So about that nation full of apologists. I’m talking about AMERICANS. YES!! And I’m just as surprised as you are. I’m writing about something we noticed after a few days in the US. It’s the frequency of Americans saying sorry for the tiniest things!
7 Things the French are more relaxed about than Americans
When you think of Americans and the French, who seems more relaxed overall? For me, it’s a tossup and here are 7 things the French are more relaxed about than Americans.
On that American enthusiasm
A recent YouTube video I watched the other day on Americans and exaggeration got me thinking… are Americans overly enthusiastic? Is that a bad thing? Is it something that makes us endearing?
The problem with Americans not taking vacation days
The average American employee gets two weeks of vacation time per year. Three if they’re lucky. In the good ol’…
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American habits I lost when I moved to France
The best antidote for someone who’s stuck in their ways is to move abroad. You’ll realize your habits aren’t part…
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French cultural differences: How to freak out an American
The lovely Geraldine of CommeUneFrancaise recently posted a video on how to scare the hell out of a French person…
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What French people find weird about Americans
Americans aren’t weird… are we? Maybe we are. Many times I’ve been going about my business, doing normal American things…
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What’s so special about twins anyway?
Tom and his twin brothr went to the USA on vacation and the one question they got over and over was, “Are you twins?” It’s never happened in France.